Leadership Is Not Defined By The Exercise Of Power, But By The Capacity To Increase The Sense Of Power Among Those Led

Leadership is an important trait to develop towards success, and one that will help you on your personal development  journey.

It’s an indication you are becoming stronger in who you are and what you believe. Leadership shows courage, and you attract success by the person you become.

Your life is a reflection of how you see yourself, and when you live to your own values and inner truth, and you feel you are not lacking anything, its empowering, which leads to a better results in life.

Those who we consider bad leaders, tend to be those who lack things in themselves, which they try to make up for by abusing the power they have.

Have compassion for those people, and do not take their poor leadership personally if it manifests in negative ways.

Understand that it comes from something they lack within themselves.

Great leaders are those who empower others, and want to see others achieve success, providing they are operating with integrity.

They lack nothing, and so they don’t feel the need to take from others.

Being in a leadership role, comes with power.

It’s the power to influence, lead, effect and inspire those around you. Whether that is in a positive, or negative way.

Here is a leadership quality that’s not talked about much, and that is the power to empower.

That is, to give others a sense and feeling of power too, and to use that power as a positive influence on others. 

This is why they say leaders are so important, because it’s a top-down approach. Those at the top greatly influence those under their leadership, who influence those under their leadership, which trickles all the way down to the bottom.

If you want a good family, business or social circle, or be a positive influence on the community or humanity, you have to step into your greatness by making sure you are working on yourself.

Let me explain.

To be a better leader, you can’t come from a place of lack, but rather you have to empower yourself first. If it’s a top-down approach, who is always at the top? 

Is it your supervisor, your boss, your stakeholders, your parents, your grandparents, your manager, your Prime Minister?

No, it’s you.

You are always at the top, because you the main person you have the greatest control over. You are the one in control of yourself, with the power to influence who you are and what you do.

Does that make sense? 

Only from within yourself, you have the power to become a great leader and influence those around you, in a positive way.

And that starts from working on yourself.

When you are in a good place, emotionally, physically and mentally, you can start to make a difference, and then you can start to empower those around you.

Which, in this top-down approach, means you have the power to influence and inspire all others, to help them become great leaders, by becoming a stronger version of yourself.

By becoming a stronger version of yourself, you become a better leader.

This will have a chain reaction, and its how you improve the world around you.

Leadership is not defined by the exercise of power but by the capacity to increase the sense of power among those led.

The most essential work of the leader is to create more leaders.

Inspiring and guiding others to achieve success in their own lives (however they define that success) is important if you want to make a difference, and it all starts with you.

A leaders job is to create other leaders, so become a good leader and see your own success grow, as well as the success of those around you. 


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