Here’s 3 things that will help you realign with your “why”

If you gain clarity on the reasons why you want to achieve the thing you are pursuing, it will guide you through those darker days when times get hard. Here’s 3 things that will help you realign with your “why” on those days that you drift:

1) Vision Board. Images especially helps us to gain clarity rather than just looking at a goals list.
2) Think about your friends, family or community. We are all altruistic, when you start doing things for someone or something greater than yourself, it will drive you through those rough times.
3) Visualization. Turn off the digital devices, light some candles if you need to, listen to some relaxing music and turn off the mind to everything around you and visualize where you want to be and live that moment like it’s already here. There is power in living it before it happens.

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